Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Sallee Rovers: 'Best Pirates' at All Romance


The Sallee Rovers, book one in the Pirates of the Narrow Seas, is rated in the top five 'best selling' and 'top rated' books in the 'Pirates' category at All Romance. What's especially nice is that it's a general list, not just a 'gay pirates' list. It features both heterosexual and gay titles.

In addition the paperback, Men of Honor, book two in the Pirates of the Narrow Seas series is finally on Amazon.com as is book three, Iron Men. Strangely, Iron Men is missing its cover. What's up with that? And sad to say, The Sallee Rovers, book one, is still not on Amazon.com in paperback (but the Kindle edition is there), even though The Sallee Rovers was approved weeks before the other two. Queries to Lulu and Amazon return stock answers that have nothing to do with my questions. It's a pain in the neck, but here's hoping all the paperbacks will eventually all appear there.

The Sallee Rovers #30 in the Historical category at 1Romance (also a mixed straight and gay list). They don't have a 'Pirates' or 'Nautical' category, so the competition is stiffer. #30 is quite respectable, considering how many straight and gay historical works it has to compete with. 1Romanceebooks.com

It's still #3 on the Best Gay Multicultural Lovers list at Goodreads, #7 on the Best Gay Pirate/Sailor list, and appears on various other lists as well, including #28 on the Best Nautical Novels list, which is dominated by famous authors such as Patrick O'Brian, C. S. Forester, etc. It's #1 on the very small Best Gay Historical Fiction list.

I am anxious to see the quarterly sales report!


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